Terms of use

Access to the site faliakos.com (hereinafter the Site) and the use of the information it contains are subject to these General Terms of Use established by the company MAISON FALIAKOS, with its registered office at Markou Mousourou 14, Mets Athens, 116 36 registered at Tax Office IZ’ Athens under VAT number 119900158.

By accessing the Site and using it, you agree to the Terms of Use. If you do not accept the content of the Terms of Use, please stop using the Site.

MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time and in its sole discretion. We therefore ask you to regularly visit this page to check the content of the Terms of Use. Please follow the categories below for all terms.

  1. Personal Data
  2. Navigation Data & Cookies
  3. Intellectual Property
  4. Purchases
  5. Liability
  6. Applicable Law
  7. Photos & Video Credits


Your personal data which may be collected and processed are the following:

  • Data relating to your identity, including your title, your name, your first names, your postal address, your telephone number, your e-mail address;
  • Data relating to your means of payment, including your credit card number and expiry date;
  • The data relating to the follow-up of our commercial relation, in particular your order number, the history of your purchases, your requests or your correspondences with our Customer Service,
  • Your preferences and interests,
  • Your technical data, including your IP address or navigation information about your device, whether it is a computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Your personal data may be collected in the following circumstances:

  • you place an order on the website www.faliakos.com (order management, delivery, invoice, customer complaint);
  • you create a customer account;
  • you subscribe to the MF newsletter;
  • you share an article on Facebook, YouTube or Instagram;
  • you share an opinion on Facebook or Instagram;
  • contact MAISONFALIAKOS Customer Service by any means of communication;
  • you put products in your shopping cart, through functional cookies, to allow you to finalize your purchase later.
  • For more information, see our Cookies Policy chapter Cookies.

In accordance with Article 6 of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data, your personal data are collected, depending on the case, either on the basis of your explicit consent or on the basis of the execution of a sales contract of our products.

Thus, your personal data are collected in order to:

  • answer your questions sent by email;
  • allow you to create and manage a personal “Your Account” space and thus purchase our products online;
  • manage and process your possible online orders and their delivery and the applicable guarantees (order management, delivery, invoice, customer complaint);
  • ensure the security of online transactions, prevent fraud and payment incidents;
  • manage and optimize the customer relationship;
  • subject to your consent: send you information about our offers, news and events (newsletters, invitations and other publications);
  • improve the functioning of our Site;
  • offer personalized services and communication;
  • to produce statistics, audience and efficiency measures of our advertising campaigns;

The personal data required to fulfill the purposes described above are marked with an asterisk in the various pages of our Site.

Failing to complete these mandatory fields, we will not be able to respond to your requests and / or provide you the products ordered on our Site.

Other information is optional and allows us to get to know you better and to improve our communications and services for you.

If we wish to disclose your personal data to partners in a way that is not included in this Privacy Policy, we will notify you in writing in advance and provide you with the opportunity to refuse such new use or disclosure of your personal data.

Your personal data are collected and processed by MAISON FALIAKOS.

They are hosted on one of the servers _____ , a simplified stock company with a capital of € 2,334,800, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 419 632 286, whose registered office is at 18-20 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75011 PARIS, telephone:

Your personal data will not be transferred or made accessible to any third party except to:

  • any subcontractors of MAISON FALIAKOS for purely technical and logistical reasons (including carriers, hosting and site maintenance providers, payment and fraud management providers, mailing service providers) ;
  • any restructuring of our company, including total or partial disposal of assets, merger, absorption acquisition, division and more generally any reorganization operation.

In addition, MAISON FALIAKOS may be required to use connectors developed by third parties, which may be recipients of personal data when you use them.

The different connectors and potential recipients are:

  • Google Tag Manager,
  • Google Analytics.

Finally, MAISON FALIAKOS may be required to provide third parties with your personal data when such communication is required by law, a regulatory provision or a court order, or if such communication is necessary to ensure the protection and defense of its rights

 MAISON FALIAKOS undertakes to use your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes of their collection:

  • the data relating to your orders will be available on your account as long as it remains active;
  • upon the closure of your customer account, your personal data will be archived for accounting and probative purposes for three years from the end of the business relationship;
  • your bank details will be securely stored for the time necessary to validate and pay for your order;

They will then be immediately destroyed.

In the event of a payment incident, your data will be retained for the duration of the incident management, and then for a period of three (3) to five (5) years depending on the seriousness of the incident.

  • the identification data for the purpose of sending newsletters and other MAISON FALIAKOS communications will be kept for a period of three years from their collection or your last contact with our Site;
  • personal data relating to your account will be kept as long as it is active;

In case of prolonged inactivity on your part during a period of 3 years, your account will be deactivated.

At the end of this three-year period, we will contact you again to find out if you wish or not:

– continue to receive newsletters and other publications from MAISON FALIAKOS;

– keep your customer account on our Site.

Your data will be destroyed within a maximum of 2 working days from your unsubscription request.

In any case, you have the option at any time to close your account and / or unsubscribe newsletters by contacting our Customer Service MAISON FALIAKOS by email to the address [to complete] or by clicking on the link of unsubscribe content in each newsletter

  • copies of communications exchanged with our MF Customer Service may also be kept for archival purposes;
  • orders and invoices of less than 120 euros will be kept for 5 years including 3 years in archive;
  • orders and invoices of more than 120 euros will be kept for 10 years including 8 years in archive;
  • the log files collected, subject to your agreement, in the context of cookies and other tracers set up on our Site, will be kept in accordance with the applicable regulations for a period not exceeding thirteen (13) months.

For more information, see our cookie policy.

MAISON FALIAKOS commits itself to put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of your personal data including:

implementing physical and electronic backup procedures for the data collected on our Site;

setting up a secure access to your personal data through the implementation of a password policy with a complex structure;

limiting the number of employees having access to the personal data files;

submitting employees who, by their functions, have access to your personal data to strict confidentiality obligations;

Protecting with SSL encryption all financial information you provide on the Site to place orders.

Despite the measures taken by MAISON FALIAKOS, all information communicated online may be potentially intercepted and used by other people than the intended recipient.


This Privacy Policy is governed by and interpreted in accordance with Greek law.

Greek jurisdictions are territorially competent to rule any dispute relating to our Site except for the application of the rules of special jurisdiction, particularly in the event of a dispute with a consumer.

In case of dispute concerning the way in which MAISON FALIAKOS collects and processes your personal data, a claim may be made to the info@faliakos.com or by phone at + 30 210 7257553.

Do not hesitate to contact us.


When you connect to our Site, various cookies may be installed, subject to your choice, in your terminal (whether it is a computer, tablet or mobile phone, hereinafter referred to as your Terminal) allowing us to recognize the browser of your Terminal during the validity period of the cookie concerned.

Thanks to our Cookie Policy, we specify what a cookie is, we specify the cookies issued by our Site and indicate the means at your disposal to make settings for these cookies. At any time, you can change your preferences by clicking on the following link: COOKIES SETTING


A cookie is a text file that can be saved in a dedicated area of the hard drive of your device, using the browser software that you use to view our Site and subject to the choices you have registered in your browser about cookies.

Cookies do not allow to directly identify a user, but allow their issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered, and this during the period of validity or registration of the Cookie, and for a maximum of thirteen month.

Some cookies are essential to the use of our Site, others aim to optimize and personalize the content displayed on our Site.

Our Site uses three different types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies that allow to optimize and improve the performance of our Site and you to use its features. Such cookies are not subject to your prior informed consent;


By blocking technical cookies, you are informed that you may no longer be able to access the Site and / or the services of the Site.

  • Audience measurement cookies to analyze your browsing and measure the audience of our Site to establish statistics and volumes of use and use of the various elements of our Site (sections and contents visited, routes), and thus improve the interest and ergonomics of its services;


The removal of audience measurement cookies will have no impact on the use of our Site.

  • Social network cookies containing Facebook and Twitter sharing links, allowing you to share content on our Site with other people or to let other people know about your consultation or your opinion regarding content of our Site.


These social networks may collect data relating to your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they have.

We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our Site and associated with the personal data they have.

We recommend that you consult their privacy policy and be aware of the purposes of use, including advertising, navigation information they can collect through these sharing buttons.

You can set up your usage accounts for each of these social networks.

The blocking of sharing cookies will not have any consequences on the use of our Site. However, it will prevent any interaction of the Site with the social network or networks in question.


Your choices regarding cookies

Any cookie registration on your Terminal requires your consent, which can be modified, at any time and free of charge, by modifying the settings of your browser.

When you visit our Site for the first time, you are informed by means of an information banner appearing above of the homepage of our Site of the use of cookies by our Site.

During this first connection, you are free to decide whether:

  • you want cookies to be stored on your hard disk, click on “Accept All”
  • you refuse the storage of cookies on your hard disk by click on “Reject All”
  • you want to manage your cookies preferences through our Site, click on “Personalize my choices”


If you have accepted the registration of cookies in your Terminal, cookies embedded on the pages and contents you have viewed will be stored in a reserved area of your Terminal and will be readable and recognizable only by the issuer.

You can, however, change the cookie settings at any time.

You can at any time configure your browser so that cookies are saved in your Terminal, or on the contrary disable them.

You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance of cookies is offered to you punctually and before a cookie is registered in your Terminal.

In case you refuse the registration of cookies, or if you delete those that are registered, some features of our Site will not be accessible to you.

In this case, we do not accept any liability for the consequences of the degraded operation of our services due to the settings you have chosen.


How to exercise your choices according to the browser you use? 

Regarding the management of cookies, each browser offers different configuration modes, described in the help menu of each browser. You can disable cookies by following the instructions as follows:


The Site and all its elements (including but not limited to trademarks, texts, drawings, images, videos, animation, logos, icons, sound recordings, documents to download, interfaces, coding, software) are the exclusive property of MAISON FALIAKOS, its licensees or its suppliers and are protected by the provisions of the Code of Intellectual Property and international conventions applicable to intellectual property rights.

Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, total or partial and any download and transfer, on all media of all or part of this content, for purposes other than for private and personal use for a non-commercial purpose of the user is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of MAISON FALIAKOS and any other rights holders.


MAISON FALIAKOS is committed to providing every effort to ensure that services are and remain accessible on its Website.

MAISON FALIAKOS is subject to a duty of due care and, for this reason, it may not be held liable particularly in the following cases:

temporary interruptions of services as part of their maintenance;

temporary interruptions of services, independent of MAISON FALIAKOS’s control, particularly in the event of interruption of electricity or telecommunication services;

failure or malfunction of the Internet in the transmission of messages or documents;

or any other event constituting a case of force majeure.

Is regarded as a case of force majeure, any event unforeseeable, irresistible and external to the parts, such as, without this list has a limiting character: war, civil insurrection, natural disasters, embargoes, fire, labor dispute, strike, rupture supply of raw materials, disruptions or strikes (total or partial) of postal services …

MAISON FALIAKOS can not be held liable for damages relating to the use of the Internet, and in particular for the presence of any malicious computer program or any external intrusion.

MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to modify or interrupt temporarily or permanently all or part of the Site, at any time, without having to inform the user beforehand.



These Terms and Conditions of Sale define the conditions applicable to any use of the Website and the sales entered into between the persons making a purchase via the Website (hereinafter referred to as “You” or the “Customer”), and MAISON FALIAKOS (hereinafter referred to as “We”, “Us” or “MAISON FALIAKOS”).

The date of applicability of these Terms and Conditions of Sale is set out in the header hereto.

Any use of the Website and sale of products is thus subject to acceptance of and respect for these Terms and Conditions of Sale. At the time of completion of your purchase, you will be asked to accept these Terms and Conditions of Sale in force. If you do not accept them, you will be unable to finalise your order.

Our Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to change. It is therefore your responsibility to read the Terms and Conditions of Sale in force at the time of each order prior to accepting them.

If you wish to view the prior versions of our Terms and Conditions of Sale, please send your request by email to info@faliakos.com, specifying the date or version of the Terms and Conditions of Sale you wish to view.

The products offered on the Website are exclusively intended to be sold to end consumers, private individuals or corporate entities, to the exclusion of any resellers or intermediaries acting on behalf of resellers. Consequently, the Customer declares that he is acting as end consumer and does not intend to resell the products purchased on the Website for commercial purposes.

To be able to make a purchase on the Website, you must fulfil the following conditions:

(i)      Have reached the legal age of majority in your country;

(ii)      Have legal capacity to contract;

(iii)      Request delivery on one of the territories we cover, as listed hereunder in the article “Delivery”.

In making your purchase, you declare and confirm that you are acting as consumer, on a non-commercial basis, are an adult and have full legal capacity enabling you to contract with us.

MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to refuse any clearly disproportionate order, the quantities of which appear abnormal for a consumer or appear to characterise a professional order made for commercial purposes.


To make a purchase on the Website, you will be asked to create a customer account.

The account creation form comprises mandatory fields and optional fields, which will be indicated as such. To create your account, you will have to complete all mandatory fields.

You must only provide complete, accurate and current information, and where applicable must later amend any information that may have become obsolete or erroneous through your account or by contacting us.

Your creation of account will be confirmed to you by an email sent to the email address you have entered.

The account, password, and any other information enabling access to the account are strictly confidential and you must not communicate them to third parties.

You are solely responsible for the use made of your account by any third party in the event where you have communicated your access information, or in the case of carelessness or negligence on your part.


Creation of your account makes it possible to:

– track your deliveries and view the history of your orders;

– return or exchange Products;

– add or amend your delivery and billing addresses for your next orders;

– manage your newsletter subscription and your consents.

You can deactivate your account at any time by sending an email to Customer Services by clicking on the “Contact us” link. After your account is deactivated, you will be free to create a new account at any time.


MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to delete any account not respecting these Terms and Conditions.


The photographs accompanying the products on our Website are given for illustrative purposes, and only the description of the product is legally binding.

In particular, we draw your attention to the fact that the images shown on the Website and the colours composing them depend on the screen and computer systems used. The colour shades may therefore vary.

If you have any questions regarding the products, you can of course contact Customer Services at info@faliakos.com.


The products are offered for sale on the Website within the limit of available stocks, with the availability being assessed at the time of submitting your order.

Some products/ pieces are in the category of Unique Items, which means, there is no available stock, they’re only per one unit each.

If, despite the indications on the Website, one or more products ordered proves to be unavailable, MAISON FALIAKOS will inform you promptly thereof, and will cancel the order for the said unavailable products.


Items are billed at the rate in force at the time of confirmation of the order on the Website by the Customer.

Unless indicated otherwise, all prices mentioned on the Website are given in euros, inclusive of VAT, to the exclusion of any other tax that may apply and excluding delivery costs.

These taxes and delivery costs may change according to the content of your order and your chosen place of delivery.

The amount of the delivery costs will be specified during the ordering process and before its confirmation.

It is your responsibility to verify the prices displayed before confirming your order.


MAISON FALIAKOS delivers its products on the territories set out in the Annex at the end of this document.

No delivery will be made to a PO box, with the exception of deliveries to the United Arab Emirates.

MAISON FALIAKOS will send the products ordered to you promptly and, unless stipulated otherwise at the time of purchase, no later than thirty (30) days from the date of order.

Several delivery methods are available to you:

Standard within 2 to 10 working days, depending on destination

Express within 2 to 5 working days, depending on destination

If you have ordered several products, no partial delivery will be made, unless stipulated otherwise, and all products ordered will be sent to you at the same time in a single shipment.

At the time of receipt of your order, you must check the condition of the parcel and the conformity of the content in the presence of the carrier, so as to make any reserve concerning obvious defects (parcel damaged or open, item missing or defective, etc.).

Furthermore, any anomaly concerning the items (damage, missing item in relation to order, parcel damaged or open, item broken, defective, etc.) must imperatively be reported to MAISON FALIAKOS within one day of receipt.

In compliance with the provisions of Article ____ of the Greek Consumer Law, any risk of loss or damage to the products is transferred to you at the time you or a third party you have designated, and other than the carrier we proposed, physically take possession of the products.


You must have a customer account in order to make an order. If you do not have an account, please refer to Article 3 of these Terms and Conditions of Sale: “Creation of customer account”.


The purchase process takes place in several steps:

  • Selection of products

You can add products to your selection at any time by clicking “Add to basket”, and choose to checkout or continue browsing. You can view your selection by clicking on “Basket” at the top right of each page. The following will appear in the basket: photos of the product(s), their colours and references selected, the quantities chosen, their unit price(s) including VAT, the estimated delivery costs, and the sub-total of the selection. You can also choose the country of delivery and your preferred method of delivery, which will calculate the amount of the delivery costs, and consequently the total amount you will pay. The zone and delivery costs may however be changed later if you wish. The total amount will then be updated according to your choices.

  • Finalisation of the order

After having selected the product for the first time, click on “Checkout” to start the ordering process. You must verify that your selection is correct before confirming your order. While every effort is made to ensure that the colour and motif of the Products in the photographs displayed on the Website are true to the original Products, changes may occur, notably owing to the technical limitations of rendering of the colours on your computer equipment.

  • Confirmation of delivery address

You must confirm your delivery address and complete the information if necessary, or add a new delivery address. To confirm the delivery address entered, click on “Continue” to go to the step of selecting the delivery method.

  • Confirmation of the delivery method

You must select a predefined delivery method. When confirming the delivery method, you will have the option of including a gift message, if the order is to be a gift. By clicking on “Gift message”, you can request a gift receipt, not showing the price, which will be included within the parcel. Once this step is completed, click on “Continue” to go to the next step.

  • Confirmation of payment method and payment of the order

You can use your delivery address as billing address, or enter another by clicking on “Use another billing address”. You will then be asked to select a payment method and enter the related information. At the end of the ordering process described above, and after having read and accepted these Terms and Conditions of Sale in their entirety, click on the “Place my order” button.

The contract of sale will then be definitively formed.

  • Confirmation of order

An order confirmation message will be displayed on the Website, and a summary of your order will then be sent to you by email. The receipt will show the total amount of the order, information regarding cost and timeframe for delivery, the essential characteristics, and the quantity and price of the products purchased.

We recommend that you keep a hard copy or electronic copy of this receipt. You can track your order in your customer account.

MAISON FALIAKOS reserves ownership of the products until it has received the price of the order.

MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a Customer, subject to the existence of a legitimate reason within the meaning of Article ______ of the Greek Consumer Law.

In particular, MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order it deems to be fraudulent, or submitted by a Customer not having honoured a previous order.


You can pay for your purchases on the Website using one of the following methods:

– Payment by bank card: VIVA WALLET

– Payment via Bank Transfer

For the security of its Customers and the transactions made on the Website, MAISON FALIAKOS reserves the right to verify the data communicated by the Customer in order to ensure it is the holder of the bank account to be debited.

This verification may take the form of a request for proof of identity and/or address and/or banking documents (RIB or cancelled cheque).

Absence of response from the Customer to a request of this type within the timeframe given by MAISON FALIAKOS will entail cancellation of the order in question, without any possibility of later claim.

MAISON FALIAKOS also reserves the right to cancel any order that presents one or more risk factors for fraudulent use of bank card.


You have the right to cancel without giving a reason within fourteen (14) days within Greece and (30) days within the EU  of receipt of your order, with the delivery date mentioned by the post office or carrier evidencing this.

If the order relates to several items and these items are delivered separately, the right of cancellation expires fourteen (14) days within Greece and (30) days within the EU after the day on which you, or a third party other than the carrier and designated by you, physically take possession of the last product.

To exercise your right of cancellation, you must notify your cancellation decision by means of an unambiguous declaration stating your wish to cancel sent to MAISON FALIAKOS (for instance by email: info@faliakos.com or by logging to your account).

You can also use the template form attached, although this is not mandatory.

For the cancellation period to be respected, you simply need to send your communication relative to the exercise of the right of cancellation before expiry of the cancellation period.

If your order comprises several items and you only wish to return some of them, you must mention the items you wish to return and for which you wish to be refunded.

The item(s) must be returned new, unused, and in their original packaging, perfectly intact, to the address communicated to you by MAISON FALIAKOS.

You must return the items or give them to MAISON FALIAKOS without excessive delay, and in any event no later than fourteen (14) days after your notification of implementation of your right of cancellation.

This period is deemed respected if you return the items in question before expiry of the period of fourteen (14) days within Greece and (30) days within the EU.

By logging to your account you may request from Customer services to send you a prepaid label to affix to the parcel to be returned.

The costs of the first return shall be paid by MAISON FALIAKOS.

If you use another method of return, the costs will then be your responsibility.

You will be refunded for the sums paid for the items in question without excessive delay, and no later than fourteen (14) days from the day on which MAISON FALIAKOS is informed of your decision to cancel.

The refund may however be postponed until MAISON FALIAKOS has received the items in question, or until you have provided evidence of shipping of the said items, with the date upheld being that of the first of these facts.

MAISON FALIAKOS will refund you through the same payment method as that used for the initial transaction.

You will only be held liable for damage to the product resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and good working order of this product.

For health and safety reasons, MAISON FALIAKOS cannot accept the return of sealed products which have been unsealed by the Customer.